Friday was an extra special day for me and the best since we've had Lucas. I had my six-week postpartum follow-up appointment. It felt so strange going to my doctor's office not pregnant and I felt really sad. The nurses kindly asked, "How is the baby doing?" They also asked why I didn't bring him in because "usually the babies are brought in so we can see them." I told my nurse that I wasn't sure what the protocol was for the follow-up visit so I decided not to bring him. I was also thinking that it would have been a little difficult to take care of him, have an exam, and talk to the doctor all at the same time. Plus, leaving him home was extra special because it was the first time that he and Chad had time together, alone, without me! Chad was in charge of a feeding too which was the first and he was fully prepared for that.
When my doctor came into the room, he hugged me which I thought was so nice. He doesn't really seem like the hugger-type so it was extra special. We talked about the baby and I gave him a card that Chad and I signed with a picture of Lucas. He liked it and said that he would hang it in his office next to the other pictures of the babies that he has delivered over the years. He also shared that he and his wife are expecting their first baby next fall.
I basically fought back tears the entire time I was in the office.
Seeing my doctor brought me back a bit to Lucas's birthday. It was such a positive experience. I am so glad that my doctor who followed me throughout my pregnancy was there to deliver Lucas. It was really by chance. He is part of a huge practice and he happened to be on call the night my water broke which was not his usual on-call night. He was excited to be there and Chad and I were excited he was there.
I guess I consider him an extra special person since he brought our little man into this world! Thank you Dr. K!
I was also able to stop by two stores for some quick shopping while I was out. I used a Macy's gift card I had received for my birthday from Chad's mom and strolled through Walgreens while waiting for prescriptions to be filled. It felt great to get out and interact with other people!
The night was topped off by the fact that Lucas slept in his bassinet all night long for the first time! He of course woke up for feedings but went right back to sleep after each one. He only woke up three times throughout the night rather than his usual five.
Yep, it was extra special!