We had a long, fun, eventful Christmas this year. After a flight cancellation due to adverse weather conditions on the afternoon of December 23rd, we waved goodbye to Chicago on Christmas Eve morning and said hello to southeast Idaho Christmas Eve afternoon. Once we arrived in Pocatello, we spent the day wrapping the presents we brought on the airplane and preparing yummy food for our Christmas Eve dinner. Christmas morning we opened presents with my parents then headed up the road to Buhl to see my extended family. Fun, fun, fun. We saw my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and most of my cousins on my dad's side. We then saw my mom's oldest sister and two of my favorite cousins and their children. We even got to spent the night with my aunt, just like old times when I was little. The next day we headed to Challis to see the Strand's and stayed there for six days. More fun. Lot's of visiting, card playing, movies, Wii, and walks. We even got to see both Lane and Kelli Ann in their taekwondo class. Just in time for New Year's Eve, we all headed back down to Pocatello to conclude our trip. We had a small New Year's Eve party and watched the ball drop. The kids were so excited to stay up until midnight. It was great to see so many family members this year. Thanks everyone for the great time.

Christmas morning.
Opening presents.

My cousins and me on Christmas night.
Opening presents with the Strand's the day after Christmas.
Lane and Kelli Ann kicking the bag.
Lane and Kelli Ann sparing with each other.