So the week before Christmas I was asked to teach an 8 week graduate psychology course at the university I work at. Scary, I know...especially given I have ZERO teaching experience. I was really hesitant to commit to this since the class is scheduled to end 11 days prior to my due date. Yikes!!!! Chad wasn't too sure about this either. However, I decided it was an opportunity that I couldn't let pass me by. Plus, my maternity leave is unpaid so the money is definitely needed. The good news is that I've now survived two classes (2.5 hours long each!). I only have three students - I started with four (I am not going to take personally the fourth student's decision to drop the course after the first class - my wavering self-confidence wouldn't be able to handle it!). I am finding that I really like teaching, even though the subject matter is dreadfully boring (Psychological Testing). The students are so great; active and engaged in the class and not too hard on me, which I appreciate. So, now I'm just hoping that this little guy doesn't come too early. I realize he is going to come whenever he's ready so I've made arrangements just in case.
Only six more classes to go!!!
That's awesome, Meg. I can't think of anything cooler than teaching at the collegiate level. I am SURE your students love you. Your bubbly, positive personality is contagious! I'll cross my fingers that the little man stays snug and warm in your belly until the class is over! Good luck!