Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sleeping update...

So I am going to blog about sleeping (as ridiculous and boring as it may be). We are doing pretty good. Unfortunately, our two night pattern of sleeping completely through the night ended on night three. However, Lucas has woken only once in the middle of the night each night since. Compared to where we were, this is fantastic! Last night was great. Lucas cried a little at 2 a.m. and put himself back to sleep with no intervention from us. The two nights prior to this were not so good. (Thank God we have nice neighbors!)
More to come...(as ridiculous and boring as it may be).

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! We always tell ourselves (when anything seems like it might last forever) that "they won't do this in kindergarten". As in, they'll be walking by kindergarten, they'll be potty trained by kindergarten, they'll stop crying all night by kindergarten. For some reason it makes us feel better. :)

