Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Some Firsts!

We had a busy weekend last weekend with lots of firsts. Aunt Stephanie was here for a visit. We had so much fun with her and she was a big help. Lucas had rice cereal for the first time on Saturday. We also FINALLY bought him a crib. He has been too big for his bassinet for quite some time but in our hopes to sell our condo and avoid squeezing another piece of furniture in our small space, we postponed the inevitable. Finally we couldn't take any longer and did some shopping. We had to strap the crib box to the top of the car to get it home from the store. I'm sure we looked ridiculous!
Lucas rolled onto his tummy for the first time last night. Chad and I were eating dinner at the table watching him play on his mat. He rolled over all by himself twice giving us a great show. How fun!! He is getting so fun and cuter every day!!! We just love him to pieces.

His first meal using a spoon.

Trying out his new crib.

Asleep after a big meal.



  1. Meg, he's beautiful. I bet it is fun to feed him! I can just see you guys driving down the busy streets of Chicago with a crib strapped to the car! Too funny. Oh, please can we get you guys to come back West? We'd have so much fun together with our little guys! Love you....

  2. I love the title photo - gorgeous! He's so cute Megan :)

  3. I agree, move closer! He's a doll and looks so much like you Megan. Keep the pictures comin!

